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St. Peter's Smithills Dean CE Primary School

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Forward As One CE Academy Trust

Collective Worship

 “Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.”   Psalm 100 v2

 Worship, whether collectively as a whole school, as a class or as individuals, is an important and integral part of the school day at St. Peter’s. It is through worship, and the general ethos of the school, that we promote and live out our mission statement ‘Let Your Light Shine’. Psalm 8 verse 2 says, “Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies,” demonstrating the power and importance of worship in the lives of children as well as adults. We are a worshipping community. It is through worship that we promote our Christian values of love, hope, respect, thankfulness and trust. These permeate everything that we do and underpin our interactions and our Shine curriculum.

Organisation of Worship

Day Time Type  Led by
Monday 11.00am Whole School Headteacher
Tuesday 11.00am Whole School Clergy
Wednesday 11.00am Whole School Teaching Staff
Thursday Any time in the day Class assembly Class teacher/Shine Team
Friday 9.00am Whole School Headteacher

 Worship - overview of themes