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St. Peter's Smithills Dean CE Primary School

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Forward As One CE Academy Trust


It is really important that children attend school whenever they are able. Even one missed day is hard to replace in terms of learning and children feeling settled and comfortable in school.


Poor attendance is classed as under 90%.

Average attendance is under 95% but over 90%

Good attendance is over 95%.

 Our attendance for academic year 2023-2024 was 96% - above the national average. Well done everyone!

Forward as One attendance strategy

 At Forward As One it is our ambition to have every child in school every day and therefore a robust and effective attendance strategy is implemented in every school.

 Attendance is everybody’s responsibility and Forward As One’s school senior leaderships teams strive to build a culture where all staff are clear on their roles and responsibilities and therefore can be held to account. To enable all staff to fulfil their role, clear systems and procedures are implemented and are understood by all and applied consistently.

 Forward As One’s approach focuses on preventative measures and swift intervention. This allows leaders to plan for contextual challenges, alongside educating parents on the impact of absence from school both academically and socially.

 The key principle underpinning the approach of early intervention is to develop partnerships with parents to understand the barriers and work with families to remove them. 



fa1 attendance strategy.pdf

 Attendance Policy 24/25