School Performance & Ofsted
We are very proud of how well we educate the children at St. Peter's, not just to pass a test at the end of Y6, but in the values needed for life long learning, and a rounded, well-balanced education for all children with all their many abilities, gifts, talents and interests. Many of these things are not measured externally, but to us are of equal importance and value.
That said, we are also proud of how well our children do in their end of Year 6 SATs.
Here are our latest results:
2022 |
2023 |
2024 |
Y6: SATs |
EXS+ |
EXS+ |
EXS+ |
Reading |
84% |
38% |
81% |
41% |
94% |
34% |
Writing |
70% |
21% |
74% |
29% |
72% |
22% |
69% |
25% |
72% |
34% |
78% |
41% |
Maths |
78% |
31% |
78% |
41% |
91% |
38% |
Combined |
69% |
16% |
63% |
19% |
72% |
22% |
Average scaled score Reading: 108.1
Average scaled score Maths: 106.8
Here are some other reports about our school from external agencies:
Challenge Partners reports 23/24
Challenge Partners report 22/23
Links to external websites where you can find our latest Ofsted report (Oct 22) and performance tables.