Latest News
Coming up next week:
Mon 10th March: Y3 visit to Bolton SICT
Tues 11th March: Y5 visit to Bolton SICT
Tues 11th March: 'Ignite' in Y3 and Y4
Tues 11th March: Parents Evening 1
Wed 12th March: Y4 Class Assembly
Wed 12th March: Parents Evening 2
Thurs 13th March: Reception Class assembly
Thurs 13th March: Y5 visit to Bolton SICT
Fri 14th March: Y6 Bikeability
Active events:
Thurs 13th March: Football training for Y5/6 boys - 3.30-4.30pm
Fri 14th March: Friday Mile
Regular Clubs:
Mon, Tues and Thurs: Y6 Booster Clubs for invited children (8.15am)
Wed: Arithmetic Club for Y6 (8.15am)
Fri: Spelling Club for Y6 (8.15am)
St. Peter's is in the Bolton News!
Key PE football league:
Christmas Card winner:
MP's Christmas Card competition
MP's visit to school: Fairtrade at St. Peter's
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